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Jase Niburu


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Understand Keyword Clustering for Topic Authority

Our complete guide to keyword clustering as a driver of topical authority. Essentially, this process is at the core of organizing content in a way that lets your website be a lot more relevant and authoritative. Clustering related keywords into tightly knit clusters allows you to create a single cohesive strategy that will improve your SEO and improve user experience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to cluster keywords so you can do it instantly.


Think about your site being the top resource on your topic that organic traffic flows to and that ranks at the top of search results. Keyword clustering makes this power possible by organizing your content structure to the topical area of your keyword. This advanced guide shows you how to understand and apply keyword clustering in practice to beef up your content strategy.

What is Keyword Clustering?

Realization: the need for a structured content strategy that supports how search engines interpret and rank topics.


Keyword clustering would be concerned with how related or similar keywords are clustered regarding relevant semantic context. This approach will ensure that the clustered content is quite comprehensive and engages most of the areas concerning a topic for search engines.

Example: If your main topic is "content marketing," related clusters might include "content marketing strategy," "content marketing tools," and "content marketing examples."

Step 1: Keyword Research

Action: Create a broad list of keywords on your main topic.

How to Conduct Keyword Research:

  • Seed Keywords: Start with comprehensive terms related to your general topic area.
  • Keyword Tools: Use a keyword planner to expand your list with related keywords like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and KeywordTool.io, among others.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Use specific and less competitive long-tail keywords.

Sample Keywords for Content Marketing:

  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Tools for content marketing
  • Benefits of content marketing
  • How to craft a content calendar

Step 2: Group Keywords

Variable Reward: Discovering groupings of like-minded keywords that could be used to build epic content.

How to Group Keywords:

  • Semantic Analysis: Be capable, through keyword research tools, of carrying out the necessary investigation to identify semantic relationships between.
  • Manual Grouping: Group together keywords relevant to each other and the main topic manually.
  • Clustering Tools: If you have grouped in the keyword map, then let software such as KeywordTool.io or Ubersuggest do your clustering for you.

Sample Keyword Clusters:

  • Cluster 1: Content Marketing Strategy
    • Content marketing strategy definition
    • Steps for a content marketing plan
    • Best practices for content marketing
  • Cluster 2: Content Marketing Tools
    • Best content marketing tools in 2024
    • Free content marketing tools
    • Making content marketing tools work for you
  • Cluster 3: Sample Content Marketing
    • Examples of successful case studies in content marketing
    • Case Studies in Content Marketing
    • Real-life content marketing campaigns

Step 3: Create Pillar and Cluster Content

Invest: Investing time in creating high-quality, linked content.

Creating Pillar Content:

  • Definitive Guides: Write the most in-depth guides that are the pillars underpinning each main topic.
  • Broad Coverage: Ensure your pillar content adequately covers all parts of the main topic in a detailed way.

Creating Cluster Content:

  • Focused Articles: Develop detailed articles that explore specific areas within each cluster.
  • Internal Linking: Link cluster content back to pillar content and vice versa, which is a powerful way to structure internal linking.


  • Pillar Post: The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
    • How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy
    • 2024's Best Content Marketing Tools
    • Real Content Marketing Success Stories

Step 4: Optimize Content for SEO

Procedure: Preparing your content to be more searchable and useful to searchers.

SEO Optimization Tips:

  • Keyword Placement: Sprinkle your primary and secondary keywords throughout the content naturally.
  • Meta Tags: Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and headers with relevant keywords.
  • Content Structure: Make the content more readable through clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.
  • Multimedia: Use images, infographics, and videos for a gripping content piece.


  • Title Tag: Top Content Marketing Tools for 2024
  • Meta Description: Discover tools that will raise your content marketing in 2024, free and paid, with tips on how to use them.
  • Headers:
    • H1: The Best Content Marketing Tools of 2024
    • H2: Free Content Marketing Tools
    • H2: Paid Content Marketing Tools
    • H2: How to use content marketing tools effectively

Step 5: Publish Your Content

Variable Reward: Watching your content drive traffic and engagement when promoting it successfully.

Promotion Strategies:

  • Social Media: Share your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • Email Marketing: Blast your content to subscribed users with irresistible subject lines and previews.
  • Content Outreach: Share your content with influencers and bloggers in your niche for sharing or linking purposes.
  • Guest Blogging: Make guest posts relating to topics and link to your content clusters.

Sample Promotion:

  • Share the infographic "Top Content Marketing Tools for 2024" over social media.
  • Blast an email newsletter about your latest cluster post on "Successful Content Marketing Examples."

Step 6: Monitor and Adjust

Investment: If everything is put in place properly, this can be considered an optimization.

Monitoring Tools:

  • Google Analytics: Measure the traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates.
  • Google Search Console: Track rankings of keywords, backlinks, and just general.
  • Feedback: Collecting readers' feedback to know what works and what does not.

Tweaking your plan:

  • Update and optimize underperforming content.
  • Add fresh content to clusters according to the trends and upcoming keyword opportunities.
  • Develop and polish Internal linking and SEO strategies to provide the site with valid topical expertise.


Keyword clustering is a potent strategy for building topical authority and boosting your site's SEO. It serves as an effective means for creating a complete, elaborate resource to engage an audience. It can be done using clustering relevant keywords together into groups and producing interlinked content that will be optimized for search engines.

Call to Action

Kick off your keyword clustering strategy and change your content approach today. Get more on how to build topical authority and how to optimize your content strategy from our Guide to Building Topical Authority: In-Depth Guide.

This guide will help you understand and implement keyword clustering and, in turn, ensure that your website is the audience's resource and holds an edge over the competition.

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