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Jase Niburu


Content, Marketing



Reading Time:

4 Mins

Internal Linking Strategies to Boost Your SEO


I recently helped a client who had fantastic content but was struggling with low traffic. They asked:

Why isn’t our amazing content ranking higher in search results?

What did I tell them?

I shared my internal linking strategies to boost SEO. Here's the story…

First of all they were right:

The content on their site was EXCELLENT.

This website focused on small farm supplies – a topic with a lot of competition. The articles were well-written insightful and thoroughly researched.

So far so good.

But there was ONE thing missing…

The Secret to translating QUALITY content to search traffic

Can you relate? This is a common issue. You have great content but it's not performing as well as it should. If this sounds familiar it's time to focus on internal linking.

So I reviewed a few articles on their site.

Immediately I saw the problem:

Each page was isolated with no connections to other content. It was like each article was an island with no bridges connecting them.

So what was missing?


The key to boosting search traffic is:


Links connect content.

So the real question is…


How do you create an internal linking strategy that actually works? Especially if you're not an SEO expert.

You want to make your content more interconnected and valuable right?


Well I’m going to show you how to infuse some internal linking magic into your content.

You don’t need a degree in SEO. Or turn every page into a web of links…

As you’ll see all it takes is a strategic approach. You can add these links at the beginning middle and end of your blog posts.

That way you’ll create a seamless journey for your readers… and keep them exploring your site.

But first…

We need to break down the structure of any good internal linking strategy:

A Proven Internal Linking Structure Anyone Can Use

SEO experts have used a proven structure to boost rankings for years.

It goes like this:

Step 1: Identify Your Pillar Content

The pillar content is like the foundation of your internal linking strategy.

Basically pillar content answers the “Who?” “What?” “Where?”-type questions of your topic.

But more importantly…

Every internal linking strategy needs a “hub”: Some central content that links to various related articles.

Here's a quick check: Can you sum up your writing in one simple sentence? That's probably your main topic!

That’s your pillar content.

To illustrate here’s how it works for Whoranksfor.com:

“We have an ultimate guide to building topical authority.”

This guide is detailed and comprehensive. It’s the perfect hub for related content. Now we need to build links around it.

Step 2: Create Cluster Content

Look at it like this: the pillar content is like the hub of a wheel and these clustered articles are like the spokes.

In our example the spokes consist of related articles that dive deeper into specific subtopics. These clustered articles link back to the pillar content.

Here’s how it works:

“How to Conduct a Comprehensive Content Gap Analysis” – This article provides a detailed look at identifying content opportunities.

“How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy” – This article offers step-by-step guidance on creating a marketing plan.

Each of these articles links back to the ultimate guide and they link to each other where relevant.

Step 3: Optimize Your Linking

During the creation of cluster content there’s usually a series of LINKS to implement. Because every internal linking strategy needs well-placed relevant links. Without that it’s not effective is it?

Let's see how this works in action:

“In the article on content gap analysis we link back to the ultimate guide whenever we mention ‘topical authority.’”

“In the content marketing strategy article we link to the content gap analysis article when discussing research methods.”

But then there’s a TURNING POINT:

That’s when you realize: Internal links need to be contextually relevant and valuable to the reader.

Step 4: Monitor and Adjust

…where the strategy gets refined.

After implementing your internal links you need to monitor their performance. Use tools like Google Analytics to see how users are interacting with your links. Are they clicking through? Are they spending more time on your site?

This data helps you tweak your strategy.

Do You See How It Works?

The big question we set up in step 1 gets answered through strategic linking.

Of course there are more intricacies to the perfect internal linking strategy. But that’s the basic structure. And there’s really no need to get more technical than this.

But now…

How are you going to use this in your content?

You don’t have to turn every blog post into a web of links. But what you CAN do is add the ELEMENT of internal linking to your content.

Especially at the BEGINNING MIDDLE and END of your blog posts.

I’ll explain.

The 3 Placement Rule: Get to the Links… FAST!

The 3-placement rule takes the linking structure… and SIMPLIFIES IT.

Think of it as the linking structure “on steroids.”

This is key because online audiences crave quick engaging content. With shorter attention spans – grabbing their interest early is crucial.

So how does it work?

Well you don’t have to link your WHOLE content in one go…

But you need to get to the links… FAST.

And you should place them in strategic spots.

Like this:

Placement 1: Introduction

Introduce your main topic and link to the pillar content right away.

Placement 2: Body

Within the body link to related cluster content wherever it naturally fits.

Placement 3: Conclusion

At the end wrap up with a summary and link back to the pillar content and other relevant articles.

Let me show you how I used the 3-placement rule in THIS article…

In the first section I set up the story:

“So I was working with a client.”

In the middle section I linked to cluster content:

“We have an ultimate guide to building topical authority.”

In the conclusion I tied it all together:

All these articles tie back to the ultimate guide for the big picture and they link to each other when stuff overlaps

It’s so meta!

… Hold on a sec you might be thinking “This doesn't seem like a complete plan!”

Yeah. But do you recognize the structure I used?

Plus the point is:

You’re not trying to build a complicated web right? That’s why the 3-placement rule is a great way to start. It helps you get the links in – right away.

And that’s how you pull your audience deeper into your site.


So now it’s your turn.

Can you add internal links to an existing blog post? Or can you structure new content with this strategy RIGHT NOW?

Use the 3-placement rule.

Leave a comment and tell me how this strategy works for you.

And then please do me a favor.

Do you know someone who’s struggling with internal linking?

Share this post with them now.

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